How to make your WordPress site mobile friendly?

How to make your WordPress site mobile friendly?

With the last update of Google talking about Mobilegeddon where they clearly says that the website which are mobile optimized will be considered more in ranking.

Slowly Google will start giving more approach to websites which are mobile friendly and gives user easy access, user ability, flexibility on cell phones. WordPress is a best platform for hosting like, Linux shared hosting, VPS hosting or  Linux Reseller hostingThe users on mobiles are increasing like anything and expectedly in 1 year of time the mobile usage will reach to its height and a new technology change will appear.

If you are running Website in WordPress then you need to optimize it as per Mobile requirement. You are making your life easier using wordpress as using plugins lot of things like optimization, Security , mobile friendly, Seo things and others can be done easily.

On the other hand you are making your self into trouble also if you are using incorrect plugins or not verifying before using them as it can be unnecessary increasing load of your website and hence may result in suspension by your hosting provider.

You can use lot of plugins in WordPress for making it Mobile Friendly and hence can avoid manual coding work
Some of the plugins are :

  1. WP touch 3
  2. I themes Mobile
  3. Duda Mobile Website Builder
  4. Any Mobile theme Switcher
  5. Handheld Mobile Plugin
  6. Mobile Smart
  7. WP Mobile Edition

You can save more time avoiding use of these plugins and make your wordpress website using responsive themes. Responsive themes are the ones which comes Web, Mobile and other tech gadgets friendly and use can use themes straight away in your panel easily.

Before even buying the theme you can open the temporary link of theme on your mobile device so a feel will come to you about your web on mobile and your time of testing is saved.

Mobile is present and it is future . So if you are still living in past then  give it a thought of moving your company technology to future!

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Author is Web Hosting Company Providing Diversified hosting service since 2003 for Reseller Hosting, Dedicated Servers, Domain TLDs, Virtual Private Servers, Cloud Servers and latest Online Technologies.

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