Tips to buy a Domain Name

Tips to buy a Domain Name

Domain Name is the public address which is used to identify a Website on internet . Every website is linked with IP address which is in numerical form so it is difficult for user to remember it . Basically Domain names are Human readable version of IP address. Domain Name is originated from right to left .It is divided into two parts :
Top level Domain – For example “ ” In this .com part is considered as Top level domain that basically represents commercial (in this example ) .com , .in , .org , .net etc are Top level Domain.
Second level Domain onlinetroubleshooters defines the Second level Domain .

About Domain Name and Universal Resource Locator (URL) :

Many people got confused between Domain Name and Universal Resource Locator. Domain name appears in User Resource Locator(URL) . Domain name is the name of the website whereas URL is the extended path.

Here, you can see red line marked is URL & yellow marked is a Domain Name.

A Website , Domain Name and Web Hosting services all three factors are necessary to get online presence . Choosing Domain name is one of the important decision to establish an online presence . To target large audience and search engine , Domain Name should be appropriate .

Here are Some Tips which should be kept in mind while choosing Domain name :

Complete Research : Find similar site and also check your competitor site what Domain name they are using . You can also search Domain Name by the keyword according to the name of the company . Complete research is necessary to target more and more  users to your website .

Easy to type and remember : Choose Domain name which can be easy to type and remember by people easily . Avoid odd spelling of words , multiple hyphens or other characters , numbers etc . Users will find difficult to  write and remember these Domain name and get confused and mistype it .  Make it easy for people to remember it and tell their friends about your website.     

Short Length : The Shorter  your Domain name is , there is less chance of misspelling of words and easy for people to remember it . Yeah , Of course competition is increasing day by day . There is very less chance that the Domain name you want is available . Another user already use it as Domain name for his website . You can also add adjective or verb  in front of it in case it is not available .

Use .com extension : These Days .com is in trend . Mostly people use it because it user friendly and has more and more traffic . With the help of .com Domain , you can share your information all over the world easily . If you use other extension like .info ,.net , .org etc , you have to do extra work to get remember to the people that you are using different extension .

Ignore Trademarked Domain name : Most of the people use trademarked Domain to confuse people they may face legal challenges and give up the Domain . if you want to play safe . so avoid Trademarked Domain name .

Avoid Domain Name identical to your Website :  Do not use Domain name similar to your website . you can hyphenate a phrase or may add  “my “or other preposition . This will provide you an advantage if some of the variations , they are redirected to your main site .

Avoid Numbers : It is difficult for the people to remember number instead they can remember string easily . If your company name has number also then buy both versions (digits and words ). And redirect both .

Consider these points while choosing  to get appropriate and suitable Domain name for your company

Online Trouble Shooters

Author is Web Hosting Company Providing Diversified hosting service since 2003 for Reseller Hosting, Dedicated Servers, Domain TLDs, Virtual Private Servers, Cloud Servers and latest Online Technologies.

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