WordPress – Secure it before its Hacked!

WordPress – Secure it before its Hacked!

How is it you woke up and found your website hacked make in wordpress. Is it server or website which made it hack. Answer is simple if you are using WordPress and not securing it regularly then it will go of course a hack.It is very simple to secure it just follow the security plugins what they say :

1) Plugin : Wordfence

It can secure your wordpress like anything , secure it with two way authentication, give you regular updatemails in your mails box making it no worry for you.just follow the email and update your wordpress, theme, plugins or any other issue it says on regular basis What if you ignore mails , then wait for Website to be hacked.

2) Plugin : All in one Security Firewall

Like Wordfence you can use this also and secure the website

3) Plugin : Backup Tools Like Pace Backup

This will help you to store your backups in Google drive or your ftp or drop box or anywhere else.Give it a try on above things and feel free to write us your wordpress queries.


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